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Ideas For October Promotions

Posted by Modern Maze

Stand Out! Be Different! 

OK, I understand your business isn’t going to get millions of raving fans just because you run a special sale in October. But if you can get JUST A FEW people to talk about you, it’s possible to bring in some extra customers and make some extra money.

While every other business, large and small is doing Halloween-theme or Autumn-theme promotions, YOU can do something different.

Why would you want to do something different?

Check out this HUGE list of interesting topics October is famous for. I’m certain you can wrap a message and a moderncoupon offer around at least ONE of these to make you and your business a topic of conversation.

Family History Month
National Pizza Month
National Clock Month
National Popcorn Popping Month
National Roller Skating Month
Adopt a Dog Month
Computer Learning Month
National Apple Month
National Car Care Month
National Pretzel Month
National Stamp Collecting Month
National AIDS Awareness Month
National Adopt a shelter pet Month
National Dessert Month
National Cosmetology Month
National Pickled Pepper Month
National Sarcastic Month
National Seafood Month
National Kitchen and Bath Month,
Vegetarian Awareness Month
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Polish History Month
Child Health Month
National Pasta Month
Nation Pork Month
National Cookie Month
Health Literacy Month
Diversity Awareness Month
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
National Depression Education & Awareness Month
National Crime Prevention Month
National Disability Employment Awareness Month
Clergy Appreciation Month
Dinosaur Month
Eat Country Ham
Hunger Awareness Month
National Applejack Month
National Communicate with Your Kid Month
Fantasy Month
National Pharmacy Month
Do-It Yourself Month
National Dental Hygiene Month
National Orthodontic Month
Consumer Information Month
World Chocolate Awareness Month
American Magazine Month
Auto Battery Safety Month
Campaign for Healthier Babies Month
Christmas Seal Campaign Month
Country Music Month
Energy Awareness Month
Car Care Month
Fire Prevention Month
Hunger Awareness Month
SIDS Awareness Month
Spinal Health Month
Youth against Tobacco Month
Asthma Awareness Month
Auto Battery Safety Month
Cookbook Month
Eat Better, Eat Together Month
Family Health Month
Healthy Lung Month
International Microwave Month
Learning Disabilities Awareness Month
Month of the First Frost
National Caramel Month
National Collector’s Month
National Cranberry Month
National Education Month
National Pumpkin Month
National Sausage Month
Safe America Month
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness Month
Turn Over a New Leaf Month
Chevy Truck Month
American Girl Month
Brain Awareness Month