Posts Tagged ‘coupon marketing moderncoupon’

Video For Your Business

Posted by Modern Maze

Video, no matter how simple or unpolished it may be, adds visibility, credibility and findability to your business. You never know what connections will be made online.

I’m Andrew Mazer, creator of When I describe moderncoupon and why I created it, I often explain that I’m not a computer geek, I’m a business owner. I think that’s important because as a business owner, I understand the mentality of the business owner and I understand much of the thought processes of the business owner. I also know, about paying ad reps and website developers who usually have no clue as to how to really market a business.

I sell a lot of peel & stick floor tile online from my other company’s wholesale website. A couple months back, I had a fellow install the tile in a showroom area I have in my warehouse so I decided to video the process. This was done on a FLIP camera which is a super-easy and very affordable video camera (available at most electronics stores for about $150.00).

Yesterday, a new customer called my company and ordered 120 snow shovels! Then he said,”Do you know how I found you?…I saw your video on Youtube showing the floor tile installation so I checked out your website and found the snow shovels…..”

So I got a new customer that spent about $800 with my company with a phone call. He discovered my company because he stumbled upon a video which piqued his curiosity and it turned into a sale. But not only is this a sale, it’s a customer.

If you’re in business, a small investment in a short video could mean adding significantly to your customer base and real sales. creates impactful videos businesses can use on their website, youtube and social media. To learn more, go to