Posts Tagged ‘lead paint inspections South Jersey’

Lead Paint Inspection In New Jersey and Philadelphia

Posted by Modern Maze

Lead paint inspection is recommended in homes and commercial buildings built before 1978.

Bayhill Environmental performs on-site, certified lead paint testing for all types of residential and public buildings.

A lead-based paint inspection is a surface-by-surface investigation to determine whether there is lead-based paint in the home and where it is located. An inspection may be particularly useful before renovation, repainting, or paint removal.
Using the most advanced techniques and equipment available today, our certified inspectors will conduct a professional inspection of your property or properties.

An inventory of all painted surfaces,including the outside as well as the inside of the home. Painted surfaces’ include all surfaces coated with paint,
shellac, varnish, stain, coating, or even paint covered wallpaper. Lead paint testing and certification, New Jersey,& South Jersey.

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