Posts Tagged ‘marketing online’

How I Started My Business: A Blog Post Idea

Posted by Modern Maze

Did you know YOUR story can help draw customers to your business?

Here’s how it works:

You’re in business for some reason.

Whatever your story, it has the ability to attract the attention of prospective customers AND ESPECIALLY the search engines!  

How?  First, people love stories. Ever pick up a Reader’s Digest Magazine? There’s a reason it’s been a top publication for generations. It’s full of stories. The bible, is full of stories. Every article in the newspaper is considered “a story”.  

Your story may not get read by massive amounts of people, but that doesn’t necessarily matter. Because IN your story, you’re going to

By including all this information, you’ll be using the same “search terms” people may be using to look up a business like yours. When someone searches for what you’re describing in your blog post, you have a higher chance to get discovered online.

Your blog post is going to have a link back to your website so when someone gets referred by the search engine to your blog post, they can click right on over to your site and choose one of your coupon offers.

You know what’s really cool?….Not too many people know about this. So take advantage!  This is one of those things where you can be among the first in your industry and trading area to get high search engine rankings using this method.

Need help with your story or getting it posted on blog sites around the web? We can help. Send your inquiry to and put BLOG POST in the subject line. Leave your business name and contact information in the email message.

Andrew Mazer

President and founder of 

Affordable Online Marketing Systems &

Bringing 21st Century Style Marketing to Main Street America