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A Different Approach To Your New-Year Goals

Posted by Modern Maze

In the final days of 2012, we’re compelled to think about and list our goals, intentions, resolutions for next year.

Here are 3 simple ideas on how to help you make your goals become reality for your better life and business:

1. Structure Your Goals As Promises: This is an idea I just recently learned and it makes so much sense.  One of the biggest reasons we fail to meet some of our goals is because we set  them too high.  Although it’s important that your goals should stretch and pull you, setting them too high can set you up for failure.  Your goals must be believable for them to act as a magnet to pull you. 

Example: Many of us will set a goal to double our income.  This is a nice “wish” but it’s very rare when a doubling of income becomes reality.  On the other hand, a 20% increase is something you can promise yourself to plan, work toward every day, and achieve. 

2. Create A Monthly Accountability Plan (M.A.P.):  After listing your major 1-year goals, list all the activities you envision to be required to make them come true. These are the short-term goals you need to achieve to reach your one-year goals.  Dedicate one sheet of paper for your January M.A.P.  Plan each day to include activities which tackle some aspect of your January Accountability Plan.  Repeat this for every month.

3. Think: The mind attracts into your life what you think about most of the time. Give yourself the gift of silence for a few minutes each day. First to clear and calm your mind, then to think about your goals, plans and what you really want to manifest in your life. Turn off the music, the TV, the computer for a while.  Eliminate negative, angry and anxious thoughts.

One of the biggest shortcomings of the majority of people is that they don’t have a clear vision of what they really want.  Decide what YOU want.  Don’t fear or have guilt for wanting material things.