It’s a well-known fact that higher-income, higher-educated people find and redeem coupons. The population of computer-using, coupon-hunting people is growing exponentially. Every day, more people are signing on to various business marketing membership sites and programs to get the inside scoop on what’s available at a discount.
Smart business marketers know they can use coupon offers to attract new customers without giving up profitability.
Recently, a residential garage door company and moderncoupon business subscriber incorportated a $50 discount coupon and made a sale for a new garage door sale & installation. That $50 discount represented less than 10% of the over all sale. A $700+ sale that could have gone to a competitor. Because the customer found his coupon, the buying barrier was lowered and a profitable sale was made.
I recently convinced a hair salon owner to give moderncoupon a try. This fellow was initially against using coupon offers for his business, yet he was really feeling the pinch of the economic downturn. I suggested 2 offers:
1. A discount for new clients. This is rather mundane but it IS an enticement for someone looking for a new hairdresser. Every hair salon ad has a similar coupon.
2. A 10-haircut package for a deep discount. THIS is a coupon offer you don’t see often.
About a month past and no calls or redemptions came in until last week. That’s when a doctor who lives about 5 miles away called for and came in as a response to the 10-haircut offer. This is the kind of sale this salon owner never considered and never thought possible. A huge win-a high-ticket sale and a new customer all at once.
In both cases, these 2 business owners will have likely had their marketing expense on covered for the year with just one sale and one new customer.
How many new customers a year do you need to cover the cost of a small business marketing system that’s about the price of a cup of coffee a day?
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I’m Andrew Mazer, and I’m not a computer geek, I’m a business owner, just like you. I have a passion for helping the independent business owner survive and thrive in an environment where the odds are stacked against the little guy. That’s why I’ve created The cost is minimal and the results are guaranteed. You need this.