Posts Tagged ‘testimonial marketing’

How To Use Testimonials In Your Small Business Marketing

Posted by Modern Maze

What other people say about your business is 10 times (literally) more believable than what YOU say about your business.

That’s what makes testimonials so powerful in marketing. 

The new phenomena of social media combined with “review” sites like have given rise to an increased emphasis on testimonial marketing.  This is powerfully good news if you know how to use testimonials in your small business marketing.

In this issue, I’m going to cover testimonials, which are positive in nature and negative reviews. 

I tell people that it’s really important to use positive testimonials in their marketing.  But many business owners don’t know how to get them.  It’s really pretty easy.  You need to listen.  Most people will have a positve attitude if and when they’re satisfied with your product or service.  

When you pay attention to what people are saying, you can usually entice them to expand on it.  “That was a very nice thing to say.  If other people were to hear what you just said, they would definitely feel comfortable coming here to shop.  Do you mind if I write that down?”  Then, you get the person’s first name, last initial and their city of residence (even their occupation if possible) and their permission to publish it.

I’ve seen testimonials in all kinds of marketing material and even framed like a photograph and hung on the wall. 

Today, people voluntarily post a report on their experiences on “review” sites online.  Chances are that your business is already listed on these review sites and you don’t even know it. 

I advise you to Google your business name from time to time to find out IF and WHAT people might be saying about your business. 

Fortunately, you can take positive reviews, copy them and use them in any of your marketing.  Unfortunately, you may be looking at some negative reviews.  If you have negative reviews, don’t fret!  You can turn them into a positive for your business if you’ll follow my advice.

That’ll be the topic of my next installment in the continuing saga of Marketing Tips For Small Business Owners.

Remember, all the tips I give you are real easy to do and can have a very serious and positive impact on your business. 

But likely you’re like the majority of business owners, no time to learn what to do and implement.  That’s why you want us do it for you. provides the 5 core tactics in a comprehensive small business marketing plan for under $2.00/day.  To find out more, click here:

Have Fun!

Andrew (ModernMaze) Mazer

PS. All testimonials are good EXCEPT FAKE ONES.  Never be tempted to phoney up a testimonial.  They’re easy to spot and make you look like a liar and a cheat.  They have the exact opposite effect you want.